Elwenfels – Grape Death
Actors, crooks and a murder.
Filming takes place in Elwenfels – a real gangster movie! A dead body is discovered on the wine road. Carlos recognizes the victim immediately and fears for his life! For the dead man is one of the henchmen of the Kulekov clan. The notorious gang from Hamburg is after Carlos’ life and has now apparently tracked him down. But in the confusing situation between film set and village life, there are some equally funny and dramatic mix-ups between real and movie gangsters. The people of Elwenfels have to use all their creativity to cope with the situation.
Cabaret artist and dialect comedian Chako Habekost and his wife Britta read with distributed roles and different voices from the five volumes of their successful crime series ELWENFELS. The result is reading, performance, radio play, exciting, dialectic, comedy.
Thereby the kitchen of the castle Edesheim enchants the audience with a 3-course menu:
1st course: Baked spinach- goat cheese tart with shallot confit
2nd course: Suprème of corn-fed poulard with braised lettuce hearts and potato gratin
3rd course: Champagne soup with berries and yuzueis
Friday, 15.03.2024, 19.00, Edesheim Castle
Aperitif, 3 course menu and entertainment Duration: approx. 3.5 hours.
79,00 € per person
Information and ticket hotline at 06323 / 94 24-0
Edesheim Castle, Luitpoldstr. 9, 67483 Edesheim
Privathotels Dr. Lohbeck GmbH & Co.KG
Hotel Edesheim Castle
Luitpoldstraße 9
67483 Edesheim
Phone 06323 – 94240
E-mail: info@schloss-edesheim.de